The Crossover Appeal: A Tutorial

What is The Crossover Appeal?

It’s a promise to introduce you, every week, to a few good new things. It’s a reminder every seven days that this world has good, worthwhile things in it for you to consider. It’s a commitment to affectionate dilettantery.

The Crossover Appeal started as a weekly recommendation newsletter on Substack. It's still a newsletter, but it's also expanding to house more kinds of writing: commentary, creative non-fiction, reviews, lists, and deep dives. The Crossover Appeal is a home for people who believe that deep affection lies at the heart of criticism and that while what is popular may not always be good, it is always important.

What kinds of recommendations can I expect from the weekly newsletter?

All kinds. Pretty much count on a music rec every single week, and probably a movie and a game experience as well. Besides that I’ll be sharing articles and books, food and drink, practices and habits, and even a few straight up objects for a change of pace. The Crossover Appeal promise is this: everything will have a hook or an angle that reframes some part of the world, however small it may be, in a fresh way.

Join up!

Thanks for being here - I’d love it if you hung around.