October 30 - I cut my teeth on weaker men
I'll be honest, I've never been a Halloween guy. Nothing against it, at least
not conceptually.
October 22: Your patterns are still in place.
When you take a recommendation from someone else, you take a little bit of them into your own index and when you recognize your own tastes in the preferences that someone else has left behind, well, it’s a powerful gift.
October 16 - It’s such a funny thing, a mystery allure
When I started writing The Crossover Appeal I kept coming back to the word,
dilletante. Generally speaking, dilletante is a
October 9 - Never saw you coming but I saw the smoke
It's been sort of a weird week, right? Maybe the Zuckerberg outages threw things
out of whack more
May 29: The one with the tiny man in it
Who knows what machinations lurk inside the mystery box of knowing and being known, it's just the way things are.
October 2 - Imagine choosing what you want to be?
Consider this your save the date for coming back to your autumnal self, when you pull what you love in close and ready yourself for the cold.
June 5: Honey, it already did
A vibe is the feeling you have when for a few moments you no longer feel the weight of your own conscious life.