
July 20: It’s not a machine, after all

July 20: It’s not a machine, after all

Maybe you missed those weekly recs, maybe you never gave it a second thought. Maybe you’ve been lost in the Feed for so long that you’ve gotten used to the idea of people fading in and out of your scroll that absences mean almost nothing to you anymore.
5 min read
April 1: If nothing can be known, then stupidity is holy

April 1: If nothing can be known, then stupidity is holy

It’s not cowardice to take a moment and find the soul at the bottom of your coffee cup.
3 min read
An image of a lock in the Erie Canal near Baldwinsville, NY.

March 18: Whiskey and Twizzlers and Youth’s Discontent

The fire dies down and you feel you’ve gotten what you needed from it and so you venture back out under the winter sky, maybe remembering that its cold blue is as beautiful as the orange glow of the hearth.
4 min read
April 2: How do I not cast a shadow?

April 2: How do I not cast a shadow?

Don’t worry. I have nothing to say about last week’s Oscar night and the slap that has already
6 min read
March 26: The sacrifice is a metaphor

March 26: The sacrifice is a metaphor

Video games are often vehicles for power fantasies. The fantasy of environmental supremacy - being able to navigate any space.
7 min read
March 12: I hold my peace and watch the day go by

March 12: I hold my peace and watch the day go by

Hey it’s been a minute. The past few weeks have been a lot of moving around - heading out
5 min read
February 12: Don't need a cure for me.

February 12: Don't need a cure for me.

Indulge me for a moment, won't you? It’s our anniversary. It’s been a year of The
5 min read
February 5: I'm worth what I'll convince myself to be

February 5: I'm worth what I'll convince myself to be

I told myself a month ago that 2022 would be the year I stopped kidding myself. I’m approaching my
7 min read
January 29: He left his mortality back on the bench

January 29: He left his mortality back on the bench

Big news. Sports are good. I mean there are things about sports that are good. Of course, there are things
6 min read
January 22: Comprehensive identity dogmas

January 22: Comprehensive identity dogmas

We are all of us always becoming something else, whether we want to be or not. Better, I think, to see where our own changing affections might take us than to hold out, rigid and eroded, against our own possibilities.
6 min read