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Gratitude and What's Ahead

Gratitude and What's Ahead

Hello all.

Two quick things in place of a full suite of recommendations this week.


Gratitude. This little newsletter has become an incredibly important part of my life in a very short span of time, and I'm grateful to each one of you who subscribe, read, and share. So much of the energy it takes to write this week in, week out, comes directly from you, reading this right now. So thank you.


This is the last week of November, which means from here on out we are firmly going to be in end-of-the-year territory. For as long as I've been writing and reading pop culture commentary, this has been my favorite time of the year. When I was a kid, I'd go to the library and among all the nerdy little kid stuff I'd check out - weather books, space books, Animorphs, etc. - I'd check out books of lists. Couldn't get enough of the things. Give me a topic and even if I knew nothing about it at all, I immediately wanted to know some rando's top ten of that thing and why.

So that's what we'll be bringing to you over the course of the next month. 2021 in review, if you will. So stay tuned for the best of the best in what The Crossover Appeal has been recommending all year, and beyond.

Enjoy your weekend - Find rest and belonging wherever you can.

Jordan Cassidy